July 2019 – Today
ESPAT-Consulting, Dresden, Germany
President & Founder (independent, self-employed)
- Consulting of small and medium sized customers and Start-ups mainly in Europe with respect to Interconnect-, Assembly- and Packaging Technology and Test;
- Support to innovative Technology and IP Development companies to promote their leading edge semiconductor packaging and test design, simulation and metrology technologies and setup partnerships with volume manufacturers;
- Identification and setup of suitable Supply Chain for Semiconductor Packaging and Test from Design, Development and Prototyping to High Volume Manufacturing and interface between customer and manufacturer;
- Technology Scouting, Market Studies on industry trends and advanced packaging topics, cooperation with and contribution to Market Research companies;
- Active contribution as member of technical and program committees of leading Packaging associations w/ conferences (SEMI, IMAPS, IEEE EPS and SMTA).
January 2018 – June 2019 (1 year, 6 month)
Amkor Technology Holding B.V., Germany – Dresden Office, Germany
Senior Director Technology Development
- Business Development Europe, Technical Lead w/ focus on complete service portfolio of Amkor Technology worldwide;
- Identification of packaging, assembly, system integration and test needs of potential new customers in Europe, first contact w/ Amkor service offer;
- Technology link between R&D and Sales teams;
- European contact point for Amkor Technology Scouting and Roadmap;
- Technical Marketing and Technology Promotion;
- Administration of Dresden Office as Branch of Amkor Technology Germany.
June 2017 – December 2017 (7 month)
Amkor Technology S.A., Vila do Conde, Portugal – Dresden Office, Germany (Acquisition of NANIUM S.A.)
Senior Director Technology Development
- Business Development Europe, Technical Lead w/ focus on Fan-In and Fan-Out WLP technologies at Amkor Technology Portugal;
- Training of Amkor Sales worldwide on Fan-Out Wafer Level Packaging;
Technology link between R&D and Sales teams;
European contact point for Amkor Technology Scouting and Roadmap;
Technical Marketing and Technology Promotion;
Coordination of European funded co-operation project EuroPAT-MASIP;
Administration of Dresden Office as Branch of Amkor Technology Portugal.
January 2012 – May 2017 (5 years, 5 month)
NANIUM S.A., Vila do Conde, Portugal - Dresden Office, Germany
Director of Technology
- Responsible for Innovation, Pre-Development, Co-operations projects worldwide, European and National funded co-operation projects;
Technical Marketing, Technology Promotion, Creation of high international visibility of NANIUM as company and its image as creative and innovative package design, engineering and volume manufacturing service provider in the semiconductor supply chain;
Worldwide representation of NANIUM in technical and program committees of leading Packaging conferences of SEMI, IMAPS, IEEE EPS and SMTA;
Initiation, setup and coordination of large European funded h3020/ ECSEL co-operation project EuroPAT-MASIP (European Packaging, Assembly and Test Pilot for Manufacturing of Advanced System-in-Package) w/ 30 Mio € budget,
28 project partners from 9 European countries, runtime 3 years;
Technology Scouting and Technology Roadmap Ownership;
Business Development responsible for Technology, Technology link between R&D and Sales teams;
Initiation, setup and administration of Dresden Office as Branch of NANIUM S.A. in Germany.
February 2010 – December 2011 (1 year, 11 month)
NANIUM S.A., Vila do Conde, Portugal
Director Backend Technology, Backend R&D Head
- Leading team of 12 direct reporting BE R&D engineers, budget responsibility;
Responsible for NANIUM Technology Roadmap and new technology direction;
Business Development responsible for Technology;
Setup of Technical Marketing to support new Sales organization;
Technology Promotion, Creation of international visibility of NANIUM as company and its image as creative and innovative package design, engineering and volume manufacturing service provider in the supply chain;
Identification of International, European and National funding and co-operation opportunities for R&D projects.
May 2009 – January 2010 (9 month)
Qimonda Portugal S.A. in Insolvency, Vila do Conde, Portugal
Director Backend Technology, Backend R&D Head
- Leading team of 12 remaining direct reporting BE R&D engineers within company CoreTeam during insolvency period, budget responsibility;
Working in CoreTeam to setup restructuring plan of company after insolvency;
Establishing connections to potential partners, customers, universities and institutes providing support for company restart;
Securing and administration of Backend R&D know-how, data and IP for planned company restart.
June 2008 – April 2009 (11 month)
Assignment to Qimonda Portugal S.A., Vila do Conde, Portugal
Director Backend Technology, Local Backend R&D Head
- Budget and personnel responsibility for team of 27 direct and 21 indirect reporting employees;
Transfer of Backend Know-how from Qimonda Dresden to Qimonda Portugal due to Qimonda Dresden Backend closure in 10/2008;
Merging Backend R&D team w/ Product and Material Qualification team at Qimonda Portugal to one efficient and focused team w/ new responsibilities;
Improvement of Package Development methodology and program management.
February 2007 – May 2008 (1 year, 4 month)
Assignment to Qimonda Portugal S.A., Vila do Conde, Portugal
Senior Manager Backend R&D, Local Backend R&D Head
- Setup and enabling of Backend R&D team in high volume production site;
Hiring and training, establishing cooperation w/ universities and institutes;
Creation and implementation of development methodology (ownership of Backend part of Qimonda development handbook);
Implementation of “Global Backend R&D” concept for Qimonda worldwide.
May 2006 – January 2007 (9 month)
Qimonda Dresden GmbH & Co. OHG, Dresden
(Carve-out of Infineon Technologies)
Technology Platform Manager, Senior Manager
- Responsibility for main volume backend technology platform FBGA;
Project management for major cost saving projects w/ high economic impact;
Preparation of setup “Global Backend R&D” w/ site Backend R&D groups.
June 2002 – April 2006 (3 years, 11 month)
Infineon Technologies Dresden GmbH & Co. OHG, Dresden, Germany
(01/2005: Company transition into Infineon Technologies SC300 GmbH & Co. OHG)
Area Manager Component Development, Technology Platform Manager
01/2004: Promotion into Leadership Team (AT), Senior Manager
- Budget and personnel responsibility for team of 8 direct reporting employees;
Setup and enabling Backend R&D team (transfer from Infineon AG in Regensburg to Dresden site following company strategy decisions);
Creation and implementation of Backend product and technology development methodology (contribution to Qimonda development handbook);
Responsibility for main volume backend technology platform FBGA.
April 1999 – May 2002 (3 years, 2 month)
Infineon Technologies AG, Regensburg, Germany
(Carve-out of Siemens AG)
Senior Engineer, Project Manager
- Package technology and Backend process development for Memory Products;
Technology platform owner for lead frame based memory packages;
Transfer projects from development site into volume production sites worldwide;
Close cooperation within technology and process cluster in worldwide BE sites.
October 1997 – March 1999 (1 year, 6 month)
Siemens AG, Semiconductors, Regensburg, Germany
Package Development Engineer, Project Manager
- Package technology and Backend process development for Memory Products;
Package construction and design, material development and analysis.
October 1991 – August 1997 (5 years, 11 month)
Technical University Chemnitz, Germany
M.Sc. Microsystem- and Device Technology Gratuarion to Dipl.-Ing. (Univ)
- Basic study period: Electrical Engineering;
Main study period: Microsystems- and Device Technology;
Design and optimization of microsystems (sensors and activators) and its application in smart system environment;
Integration of different active principles and new materials;
Manufacturing methods, reliability and quality assurance for microsystems;
Diploma thesis: “Characterization and packaging of accelerometers produced w/ SCREAM (single crystal reactive etching and metallization) technology”.
May 1996 – September 1996 (5 month inside study period)
Robert Bosch GmbH, Reutlingen, Germany
Period of practical training in automotive sensors development department
- Assignment: “Characterization of the etching process used to produce accelerometers”.
September 1995 – March 1996 (7 month inside study period)
University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, England
Final Year Course Electrical Engineering.
- Final year project “Design, layout and physical realization of demonstrator for an Electronic Spirit Level”.
September 1987 – August 1990 (3 years)
ASCOTA AG Chemnitz (before Robotron Buchungsmaschinenwerk Karl-Marx-Stadt)
Vocational training to become “Mechanic for Data Processing- and Office Machines”
- Learning occupation “Mech DuB” with final graduation;
Achieve university entrance qualification.
- m German (First language);
English (Fluent);
Portuguese and Spanish (Basic knowledge);
Russian (Basic knowledge).
- m 02/2018: Baker Communications Training “Exceptional Presentations”;
- 2010-2017: 15 Professional Development Courses (PDCs) on Packaging Technology,
Design, Process. Equipment and Material topics;
- 01/2007: IPMA (International Project Management Association - IPMA) certification
Level C “Certified Project Manager” (3 modules training, written and oral exams);
- 03/2005 – 12/2007: Participation in soft skill seminar series “Profit from the Best”,
organized by the “Enterprise Success”, Freising, Germany;
- 11/2006: Basic training IP creation, patents and legal context, technical expert witness;
- Self- and time management and delegation of tasks trainings;
- Effective problem solving and decision making (Kepner-Tregoe method) training;
- 8D method, FMEA, DoE, STA, SPC trainings;
- Lean-Six-Sigma Yellow belt training, team member and sponsor in L6S projects;
- Intercultural training and 22 years experience in working with people worldwide;
- Basics of personnel management and 7 habits of highly efficient people training;
- Computer skills for all common office applications.
- 02/2019: Co-Editor of technical reference book “Advances in Embedded and Fan-Out
Wafer Level Packaging Technologies” (Publisher John Wiley & Sons, USA);
- Author and co-author of more than 30 technical articles, papers and presentations
published in professional interest magazines (e.g. “Chip Scale Review”) or given at
conferences and workshops of SEMI, IMAPS, IEEE EPS, SMTA association events;
- Author and co-author of more than 20 invention disclosure and patent filings in the
area of advanced Packaging Technology.
- Member of SEMI, IMAPS, IEEE EPS, SMTA, VDI, VDE and GPM *);
- Co-Chair of SEMI Europe Advanced Packaging Conference (APC) Committee at
SEMICON Europa (since 2011);
- Technical Committee member to IEEE EPS – ECTC (since 2015), ESTC and EPTC,
IMAPS European Microelectronics Packaging Conference (EMPC);
- Assistant Technical Co-Chair (Europe) for IMAPS Device Packaging Conference
(DPC) and International Symposium on Microelectronics;
- Initiator and Chair of ESiPAT Group (SEMI Technology Community - European
SEMI integrated Packaging, Assembly and Test) w/ 25 member companies (since
2016, elected for second period in 2018).
VDI – Association of German Engineers e.V.
VDE – Federation Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Information Technology e.V.
GPM – German Society for Project Management e.V.y